Friday, February 17, 2012

last night i saw a jackrabbit with a woman's face

I'm here!  It's 4:30 am.  I fell asleep early because i was exhausted and sore from setting up my temporary tent and all the walking.  I'm pretty much at the farthest end of "Camp Paradise", in what is known as The Quiet Zone.  When the camp director was bringing me around to look for spots, I saw a few good ones but they all had something weird about them.  Then we came to the last spot, and there it was.  The perfect little campsite, with a tree spreading branches over the whole area for shade and a rock border built by someone years ago.  Room enough for my car, and close enough to run power out of it.  Unfortunately, my actual tent didn't arrive yet, so I had to borrow david's which is much smaller, but still works.  Of course I fought to set it up but the Painted Lady, who gave me a whole bag of french hard rolls as soon as I arrived, saying "welcome to the neighborhood!", noticed I was struggling and helped me out.  

The wind was pretty gnarly when I went to bed, but it's calmed down now.  I am most pleased with my bed.  I'm all snug and warm, tucked in.  At first I was a little too warm, but then I woke up cold and pulled my second comforter over me and it was perfect.  I just can't wait to get my real tent so I can set everything up and unpack my car, which is an unholy mess.

There was a full moon drum jam last night out in the desert.  I almost went, but when I went back to my tent to grab a lighter jacket my group left and I couldn't find them again.  Then my phone died, and I got lost, so I just came back here and watched Sherlock.  I examined my feelings about missing out (and getting left behind when I'd only been gone 5 minutes) and I didn't really have any.  I'd probably have been a little uncomfortable and wanted to come home early anyway.    As it was, i fell asleep within an hour so it wasn't a big deal.  It would have been fun, but there'll be plenty of opportunities to be sociable later on.  One reason I like this campsite so much is because I have no immediate neighbors, so i can be as hermit-like as I choose, and I have the entire desert as my backyard.  (not that I can go out in it, but it is nice to look at. )  I heard a coyote or two crying out in the night.  Little babies!  

My first day of work starts in a few hours.  There's always so much to do before the faire opens!  And on top of that I have to go get my package with all the rest of my stuff, take down this tent, set up the real one, and unpack!  I don't know when it'll all be done but I wish I could fast forward through it.  But that's part of the life!  

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