Monday, March 19, 2012

double rainbow all the way

What an interesting week!

Monday-Tuesday - Extremely short lived romance with a cabriolet pusher.

Wednesday - Sat around the fire at the music jam listening to silly songs about evil geniuses, gorgeous covers of Hallelujah, bluegrassy train-hopper songs, and lovely sad folk songs.  Joining in on a cover of King of Carrot Flowers pt. 1 by Neutral Milk Hotel and sharing a knowing smile with the only other 2 people singing.

Thursday - Dinner, drinks, and Apples to Apples with Asher, Katie (the girl who I'll be working with in Texas), her boyfriend, his daughter, and various others.  Lots of laughs and a delicious homecooked meal.

Friday - Unbelievably hot.  Sat in my backyard underneath Lemon (the tree that shades most of my campsite) listening to my iPod, drawing, writing, and drinking beers at 3 in the afternoon.

Saturday - St Patrick's Day!  SO WINDY!  A million patrons, all dressed in green.  Yellow submarine stuck in my head all day  ("til we found the sea of green...")  After work, another homecooked meal at Katie's, as well as many, many Irish Car Bombs.

Sunday - RAINY AND COLD.  Also windy!  Also a little bit of hail!  Extremely small crowd, but everyone was really friendly and talkative.  There was even a double rainbow!  Afterwards, I almost went to stay at a motel because it was still rainy and cold, but instead went to walmart and bought an extremely soft, warm, and cuddly blanket with MARIO AND LUIGI on it, that kept me warm all night.

So now, here I am, in Starbucks, eating a healthy protein bistro box (hardboiled egg, cheese, apples, grapes, muesli and peanut butter.)  and drinking a nice warm latte, because it's still cold out.  Only 2 weekends left!  EEEK!!!

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