Friday, May 25, 2012

Heigh-Ho, Silver!

What happens to Amber after 2 weeks of no phone, no Internet, and no car?  Well...I'm not sure.  Nothing, I guess.  I actually Did Stuff and hung out with my friends.  Lots of alcohol and recreational drugs were involved.  I danced, I bickered, I swam, I babysat, I got bitten by a million mosquitos and spiders.  But now my car is fixed and I have access to internet again, and access to real alone time, which is important to me and which I haven't really had.  I love my friends but I cannot hang out with people for more than a few days in a row at a time, because all the bickering and moving from one place to another and Activities is just too much for me sometimes, and I get really irritable.  But everything is fine now!

We're coming up on the last weekend of Scarborough, and I'm really excited to move on to the next faire, in Colorado.  Not because I don't LOOOOOOOVE it here, because I really do, but because it's FUCKING HOT and I'm tired of being a total sweaty gross mess every day, of not being able to stay in my tent for fear of heatstroke, of not being able to sit still at night because I'm being devoured by mosquitos.  I'm tired of waking up with horrible, oozing spider bites that turn purple, and not being able to lay around all day with a boy (!!) because we can't touch each other without both turning into hot sweaty messes.  That may or may not happen anyway, but.... I'll never tell.  :)   Well I'll tell a little...I have been hanging out with a boy, but he is not going to be my boyfriend, we're just enjoying each other's company.  We may or may not continue our tryst in Colorado, but either way I'm having a good time and enjoying the benefits of a friend with benefits.  Anyway...

I'm driving to Colorado with my friend Bobby Booom, who has quickly become my best friend out here. Trust me to find the gayest black man on any festival circuit ever to become my sistie bestie.  His normal traveling companion is going to a different faire in massachusetts, so we'll be supporting each other and all that out in Colorado.  A lot of other friends are also going, and some aren't.  It's always sad to part at the end of the show and possibly not see some people you've been close with for a whole year!  Luckily for me all my favorites are pretty much going to be on the same circuit as me for the rest of the year, so I don't have to shed any tears.  Except for my friend Erica who I caravanned to Texas with...I don't know if I'll see her again til Arizona!  And Katie Kaboom, the manager of Ophelia's.  Since I'm also a manager, there's not many faires that we'd go to that would overlap.  It's the nature of the road, though, and makes it all the better when you're reunited!

I should probably write a post reflecting on this show, but after this weekend (a 3 day) there isn't a huge crunch for time because Colorado doesn't start until the weekend after next.  Sometime during the flurry of activity of packing up and getting ready next week I'll do that.  Maybe.

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