Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Twilight Bark

I sat down to write after working today and I'm so tired I can't think of anything that happened!

Oh yeah.  I was selling wings when 2 dudes walked up with their kids and asked to buy some.  One of them started hounding me, bigtime, asking to take me out to dinner, and when I demurred, breakfast.  (in a tone suggesting the breakfast would occur after a night filled with spicy latino lovemaking) I told him coldly that it was a school night and if I took the day off I'd lose money, so he joked that he'd pay me double AND give me a free breakfast.  I said, "Nothing's free", demurred again and told him I was spoken for, (a big fat lie) and that stopped him.  He just said "he's a lucky guy!", and I laughed, and they left after buying some wings, saying:  "man, white girls are hostile!"  I'm not hostile, I just have an empty perfume bottle where my heart should be.  Also, he was short and not cute.  I haven't been flirted with like that in a while, it was semi-flattering but mostly uncomfortable.  At least I got 2 sales out of it.

At the end of the day, as everyone gets back to their campsites, the air fills with the sounds of dogs barking and howling, eager to be fed, walked, and loved on.  It makes me miss my dogs at home so much.  I'm glad I don't have the extra responsibility of caring for a dog, but every time I see one I just want to pet it.

My neighbors are all gathered outside, probably smoking an end-of-day bowl.  Actually, they definitely are, I just heard them offering smoke to a newcomer.  I don't really smoke anymore, but now that i'm out here I definitely see why people do, and I have a few times.  I have to remember that no one cares if I act silly or say dumb shit, because they're all baked all day anyway.  I've even started smoking cigarettes during the day again, at least on faire days.  But I don't drink nearly as much, usually because I'm so exhausted that I pass out after one beer.  I haven't even had to take my melatonin since I've been out here, I fall asleep so easily.

Time to venture out and feed my rumbly tummy.  I'm so excited to buy my camp stove next week so I can finally cook at home!  Rennies love ramen, of course, but I'm not a fan.  I'm so spoiled!  Looks like I'll probably be surviving off of mac and cheese, beans and rice, chili in a can, and whatever else comes in a can.

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