Monday, June 4, 2012

5am in the korean spa/down in castle rock, dun dun, down in castle rock!

The car is packed, my meager camping deposit is in hand, and it's off to the next location in my journey, Colorado!

Bobby and I decided to come to King Spa, a giant korean style sauna/spa here in Dallas, to relax, detox, and sleep before our drive.  There are 9 sauna rooms, each with different healing properties and themes (salt room, pyramid room, far infrared ray, etc. )  There's also a spa area with hot tubs (and a cold tub!) that's separated by sex (because you have to be naked...eek!)  We sweat it out in all the rooms and I did a couple dips into the hot tub/cold tub etc.

2 days later:
So I was interrupted by Bobby coming out of the locker and getting ready to leave, and now I'm in Colorado!  I'm back in my natural habitat!  This could mean two things:  surrounded by mountains, (beautiful, gorgeous mountains) and also in a small local coffeeshop with free wifi.

I'm loving Colorado so far!  The faire hasn't started yet, but I hear it's not the greatest as far as faires go, other than for making money. (woo!)  But the area and the mountains and everything about the actual state, I love!  It's the exact opposite of Texas...Texas can suck a dick, but the faire was amazing.  Well, I don't know how this faire will go yet.  I'm optimistic?

I'm camped with Bobby and Ron.  Our little campsite is called Camp LaCroix, because Bobby calls me Amber LaCroix, and the shape of the camp is actually a little cross (LaCroix meaning The Cross, of course...)  my tent is the Capitol, and I'm the Queen, meaning I'm the one who tells them to shut up and stop bickering, which they don't obey but it's alright.  Bobby is the King of Queens, and Ron lives in LaCroix East, otherwise known as The Bottoms or the slums, where anything goes.  We met a super cool dude who lives kind of above us named Will, and he's the Mayor of LaCroix because he lives in a different district and has an unbiased opinion.

Last night, our first night in our camp (but not in Colorado - Bobby and I got here too late to check in to the site, so he bought us a hotel room for the AMAZING room for super cheap!) we were playing dice in the Plaza and getting drunk off of only a couple beers.  The altitude makes getting drunk so cheap!  I can get tipsy off of only one beer!  We decided to walk to the bar to get food, because it's only down the hill and not a bad walk at all.  The bar was uneventful, but as we were walking back, we passed by this little restaurant called Vigil's (vee-HEEL'S) and a subaru outback came blazing down the street after us and pulled into the parking lot.  The owner of the car opened his door and yelled 'I HAVE FREE TEQUILA SHOTS!'  Without discussing it with each other, we all turned immediately into the parking lot and followed the dude inside.  Turns out his name is Chris, he owns the restaurant, and was basically just doing PR to get us to tell others about the restaurant and to become patrons ourselves.  He asked us about what rennies like to drink, prices they'll pay, etc.  He also gave us 2 little samples of green, and a second shot!  We all went back out into the night, flabbergasted and amazed that that had just happened.

About halfway up the hill, here comes his car again, and he stops by us, and HANDS OUT THE ALMOST FULL BOTTLE OF TEQUILA.  We all crowded around his window hugging him and crying thank you thank you!  And off he sped into the distance.  So we went back to Camp LaCroix and got even more drunk.

We all woke up early this morning to huddle in the tiny bit of shade in front of my tent and sample some of Chris' contribution, before piling into my car and going down the street to the Corner Market for water and cigarettes and gas, before crossing the street to Vigil's for delicious breakfast burritos.  I brought everyone back home, and immediately left to come to Castle Rock, a picturesque town just 15 minutes away with a huge rock formation that kiiiiind of looks like a castle (I don't think whoever named it had ever seen a real castle).  I'

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