Monday, April 23, 2012

I made friends with a tiny dinosaur

Finally, a weekend that was sunny both days!  Sunday was still slooooow, and my blood sugar was at an all time low, all day, no matter how much I ate or drank or took energy shots.  I just could not be energetic or enthusiastic about anything.  It all started because I spilled toothpaste on my only bodice.  We managed to kind of get it out but I still need to take it to the dry cleaner's.  I've had it for a year and it's never been washed so it needs to go anyway.  I'm getting a new bodice next week, she's making it especially for me out of this fabric that I love and goes perfectly with the rest of my outfit, so that's exciting.  CLOTHES!  more appropriately, garb, but I HATE calling my faire clothes Garb, it's so...I don't know.  It just makes my skin crawl.  so, CLOTHES!

There's nothing much new to report.  I really love the people I've been hanging out with, they're all good kids and they UNDERSTAND MY SENSE OF HUMOR which is something I never really found in Arizona.  They were in Arizona, too, but we didn't really hang out there.

This is my favorite faire I've done so far.  It's not strict like the other two I've done which are both owned by the same guy.  I'm working with 2 girls who I love and who are silly like me and who both like drinking as much as I do.  I'm never lonely, but when I want to be alone my friends know to let me have my alone time.  Oh, and I got a raise!

Did you know that there are 6 separate magazines all dedicated to the Civil War?  At this bookshop/cafe I'm in, there's a section of magazines dedicated to war stuff and I've counted at least 6 so far, JUST about the civil war.  IS THIS REALLY NECESSARY?  There's also one about the Wild West, Cowboys& Indians, Western Art Collector, Art of the West, Southwestern Art, etc.  There's a magazine called Warbird, and another magazine called WarbirdS.  :|  the insanity!  There's also one called Gothic Beauty, but I can't see the cover so I don't know what it's really about.  It's in with the tattoo magazines and High Times and other marijuana-centric magazines, so it might just be pictures of "goth" girls with tattoos.  I could just get up and look, but there's a fence in between me and the magazines and I'm lazy.

Didn't you love this interesting entry about hating words and my friends and all the magazines I can look at?  I guess it's a good thing that shit isn't going down and I'm just living my life like normal.

Oh, I have a new roommate.  She is a GIGANTIC spider, like, larger than a quarter.  She has spun a web in between the top of my tent and the rain fly, and since she's moved in, I haven't seen a single flying bug inside my tent, so I'm letting her stay.  As long as she isn't actually INSIDE the tent it's fine.  I named her Spinderella.

Monday, April 9, 2012

this is where the deceit begins

One weekend down!  I really enjoy this faire...the site is really cool and the food is amazing and there's The on-site restaurant near the end of the campgrounds (probably a 5 minute walk from my house) and the showers where you can grab VERY reasonably priced food (not that I've eaten there yet, just gone after work for a couple beers.)  I think it's really cool to have a place like that right's not for patrons, just us.  Everybody's known about this place for a million years I'm sure but HEY I'M NEW!  At least I have a few friends who are newbies too.  Everyone just seems more laid back and happy to be here than in Arizona.

I DEFINITELY enjoy my job about a million times more than selling the wings in Arizona.  God, I hated it by the end.  But I already knew I liked working at Ophelia's, since I manage it in NC, but I didn't know what it would be like working with Katie and Colleen.  It's great!  Katie always makes sure to run out and grab drinks for us and make sure we're okay and have eaten and all that.  And I can just walk out to go to the bathroom instead of storing it up all day for my 2 thirty minute breaks.  We were all sitting and having a beer and a cigarette at the end of the day (you're allowed to openly drink on the premises here!  amazing!)  and Katie gave me a long pep talk about how they both love me and she can tell already that we're going to be the A team and we're going to rock it out because I'm so perfect for the job, etc, really nice stuff.  It was really great to hear!

Afterwards I went to the Junque and met up with my friends, continued a conversation I'd had with a boy I'd met the night before about my fake son, Davy Jones (that's a whole other entry) and just hung out and relaxed.  I gave my garlic knots to a boy I'd just met, and we became instant friends and he also gave me a really awesome pep-talk and massaged a huuuuuge knot out of my shoulder while encouraging me to let out all my bottled up anxieties, which really helped.  He said he'd never felt a muscle relax so much just from someone talking.  I met up again with the other boy and we went back to his van (!!) and sat up talking all night, and I passed out there.  Hmm, I think I might like him?  We'll see.  He made me laugh really hard several times, and that's pretty good for someone I just met.  If you're not funny or don't have a good sense of humor, we're not going to be friends.  Or we can be friends, I just won't like you that much.  :)

There's a party tonight, which I am definitely going to, although I kind of just wish I could hang out in my tent and watch movies all night.  If I had an actual long-lasting laptop battery, that would be feasible, but as it is, that's not going to happen, so party I will.  As for right now, I'm just contemplating what to eat for dinner and googling albino models and counter-culture webpages about hippie shit.  I read a thing and saw some pictures about Rainbow Gatherings and was like, ha!  That's my whole life!  Kind of.  When we were sitting outside the shop with our beers, the hypnotist walked by and said 'Look honey, hippies!' and I was like, 'nuh uh!  these legs are smooooooooth' and kicked my leg out.  I love you, free showers!  It was getting a little Ani Difranco in Arizona, to be frank, because I didn't feel like spending 3 bucks on a 10 minute shower, so I'd just hop in and out in 5 minutes and be done with it.    I do have one dreadlock though, that used to be a padawan braid that Larkyn made for me, but now it's a dreadlock and it's even growing out locked.  Maybe I'll get a bead for it.

I was supposed to run errands today but I'm so fried.  Tomorrow I'll probably be fried, too!  There's no rush, and I won't starve.  I like coming into town here, too, because the starbucks is nice and it's not as far as it was in Arizona.  Lalala.  Til next time!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Not A Happy Camper

Well, here I am in Texas.  Yesterday/today we drove about 14 hours straight, and finally had to pull over to nap at a rest stop in Nowheresville, Texas.  Then we drove the remaining 3 hours here to the faire.

It's sticky here.  Even now that it's cooled down a little I can feel so much humidity.  My hair and skin won't be so dry, at least, but it's a trade-off for hair that gets dirty faster.  At least the showers are free here!

Since there are woods here, and an awesome creek and waterfall, it feels more like a real campground.  The falls are so beautiful, I can't wait to wade through on a hot day.  Wading through running water is one of my favorite things in to do in the whole world.

I can tell there are things about it here that I'm going to like, but after the harrowing trip, as well as irritation from PMS and the fact that the ground is so muddy and things seem a little disorganized and I spilled my water jug INSIDE the tent, and texas is even more uncomfortably jesusy than NC, I am feeling rather homesick.  It's my mom's birthday and I called them and after I talked to my dad I had to sit in my car and have a little cry.  It's no wonder, with the stress of tearing down the booth and then my own car and then a 17 hour drive by myself.   But then I ate something, and now I'm going to sleep so tomorrow will be better.

I'm going to be more social this show, just by necessity.  I did manage to find a spot that's pretty isolated, but it's still closer to people than my spot in AZ.  I'm closer to some friends, too.  There's only one spot directly next to mine, and the others are separated by a little path that will become a stream when it rains, or a growth of trees, or the road.  My friend Mindy, one of the girls I caravanned with, was going to use the neighboring spot, but her tent didn't fit so she had to move.  Hopefully no one will move there now, or if they do they're someone cool and not annoying.

A lot of people say this is their favorite show, and a fun party show, so I have high hopes (not too high of course, no need to have any hopes dashed...) but right now I'm feeling kind of disillusioned.  Time for sleep, and a better day tomorrow.

Monday, April 2, 2012

the last night

Sometimes I can be really sentimental and give great meaning to things arbitrarily, and must make everything symbolic and meaningful.  For instance, during the music jams this week (there was one Tuesday and Wednesday, which made me happy.)  and when I left I thought to myself, 'This is The Last Music Jam...' and looked back wistfully.  That sort of thing.  Normally, for the last weekend of faire I'd be very reverential, but it ISN'T the last weekend of faire...that last weekend of faire for me isn't until November!

Anyway, tonight is The Last Night in Arizona, so I ate at In-N-Out one last time for a year, and now I'm at Starbucks because I had to buy my friend an Arizona mug, and also to look at the computer some and download some podcasts to listen to on my long drive tomorrow.  Normally I'd be more reverential but I am EXHAUSTED and feeling a bit shaky and strange after today.

I offered to help tear down the pirate booth with Patrick and Asher, for the extra cash.  Well let me tell you, it was quite a harrowing experience.  I must be just in some weird hormonal in-between time, because I was angry and irritated all day, and I'd have mood swings where I'd go from being fine to being pissed off and wanting to burn the place down.  It's horrible, tedious, mind-numbing, dumb work, and I hated every minute of it, but I got through it.  There's really no end in sight for annoying days, maybe in 2 weeks?  I just want to sleep, which I will very very soon.  I certainly won't be getting any til Wednesday night.  

This will be my first time driving for LOOOONG stretches at a time...when I came from NC I had my aunt's boyfriend with me, so we switched back and forth.  Even then it was my first time ever driving longer than about 3 hours at a time...about 7 hour shifts.  God, thinking back on the crisis moments I had, and the weird hallucinating...argh.  This will not be fun.  But I can do it!  I can do it.  Yes, I can!  I'm just gonna keep repeating it to myself til I'm not freaking out.  At least in the car I can freak out and talk to myself and scream and stuff as much as I want, if I need to.

Alright, let's do this!  (that is...go to bed and sleep until the sun wakes me up, get my money from yesterday, pack up the car, and head out.  ARGH.  My fingers are so jumpy.  Please please please let me get some sleep tonight.)