Tuesday, May 21, 2013


It's been a pretty uneventful few weeks.  After my Shamber Adventure I was decidedly anti-partying, although I did allow myself to get dragged to the Funky Formal by my fairy friend Erica, a positive influence always.  I had been drinking half the day already, and the boy was planning to go but I was being a humbug so I was ready to call it a night when she came by with a bottle of wine and after some catching up I relented.  I'm glad I did because I had a ton of fun dancing and randomly meeting a boy who was born in the same county as I was in New York...definitely a strange thing when we're in, you know, Waxahachie Texas at a rennies-only restaurant in the middle of kind of nowhere.  Also, the juices and berries were flowing so I went right ahead and laid in the stream and let it float me behind the waterfall.  (Euphemisms, woo!) 
We spent the next day tucked in bed while a thunderstorm raged outside, which was exactly the kind of situation I wanted.  Every rumble of thunder that shook the bed made us giggle.  Well, everything pretty much made us giggle.  It was a nice day.  

Other than that, the days have kind of blended together.  Money's tight and Texas is boring, and I haven't been in the best frame of mind for socializing, although the boy's BFF and his girlfriend are fun to hang out with, we end up getting drunk with them a few nights a week.  

The area around the faire has been beset with storms and tornado warnings, which I'm currently riding out at the moment although this latest hasn't hit yet.  The Big One that was supposed to hit us last week ended up just being wind and super heavy rain.  The storm last night sent a branch plummeting down to our neighbor's roof, although luckily it was caught in a tangle of other branches.  Our neighbor on the other side of us had the exact same thing happen a few weeks ago, so I'm counting us extremely lucky.  

Nothing much else to report.  Hopefully this tornado watch will also prove to be nothing much.  

I'm so ready to get to Colorado, and although it really sucks that we have 2 weekends in between (no work on weekends = no money!) we are able to stay in a cabin in the mountains not far from site, a cabin with a huge TV and internet and netflix and and and and and I'm excited.

Monday, May 6, 2013

dammit, moon moon!

Not very long ago, I used to get shitfaced drunk out with my friends nearly every night of the week, or at least more than once a week.  I used to fall a lot until I was basically permanently covered in bruises and scraped, most of my jeans/leggings/tights had rips in the knees, I had a pair of leggings with a huge hole in the thigh because I snagged them climbing a fence into someone's backyard (which I thought was my friend's backyard, but was actually one house over.  I also sat in that mystery person's front steps and fell off of them onto my face and got a bloody nose from the pavement.) , that sort of thing.  I have a huge scar on my left knee from a new year's eve when a girl launched herself at me for a hug, and being drunk and in high heels, I fell forward (on top of her) and skinned my entire knee.  My left hand has several scars on it from falling onto my left palm on concrete, etc.  That Amber hasn't been around for a while, but last wednesday night, I turned into her again!

It all started because BF's tattoo appointment was canceled, so we had some extra money to spend.  We'd been planning to just get a few beers or not drink at all wed night, but now that we had some cash we decided to drive to the liquor store (which is about 20 minutes away, because this faire is in a dry county, UGH!) for a bottle of vodka.  Normally we go through a few bottles a week but we never get like, wasted crazy falling over drunk.  Here we just have one that lasts for a week and drink beer the rest of the time.  But I still haven't been getting DRUNK drunk, just slightly buzzed and then pass out.

We sat in our front yard drinking for a bit until our friend came home.  I hoped that we'd just stay at his place (right across the street from ours) to drink, but they suggested we go to a girl's birthday party.  I didn't want to go because this girl is the same who came up to me randomly at a party in New York and whispered something cruel in my ear, then walked away, leaving me mortified and to run back to my tent, where I stayed for pretty much the rest of the show because I couldn't believe anyone would act lie that.  As far as I know, I've never done anything to this girl except come over to her house with my friend, who was pretty much my only friend in NY, and just...be at her house, not really talking to anyone because I'm shy around new people.  Sorry, I guess?  Anyway.  It was her bday party and I knew it was going on and did not want to go.  But everybody else did, and I figured I wouldn't be doing any wrong, since we were bringing our own alcohol and so wouldn't be mooching off of anyone in any way.

Anyway blah blah, we went to the party, and I was having a great time, especially once people broke out instruments and started a music jam.  The girl's a really good musician and every time I see her play I'm just like, hearts and flowers because she's so good.  (another reason why her being mean to me hurt me so much...) Anyway I was sitting on a bench, drunkly, having a good time and kind of singing along with a song of hers that I knew, WHICH EVERYONE ELSE WAS DOING, ALL VERY LOUDLY ALONG WITH LOUD MUSIC PLAYING, ALL DRUNKLY.  BF had gone into the darkness somewhere and I thought he'd gone home.  Anyway I went outside and was kind of smoking a cigarette by myself, when the girl came up to me and ONCE AGAIN WHISPERED SOMETHING CRUEL AND UNCALLED FOR INTO MY EAR.  (basically 'you should just be quiet/quieter when you sing along.) which hurt my feelings because everyone was singing along loudly, what is this girl's problem with me, I have no idea!  So I was very upset and feelings hurt, so I thought to myself FUCK THIS like I did the last time, and decided to go home.

Except, unlike last time, my tent was not just up the hill from the party, but about halfway across site and then also through a lot of the campground, and it was pitch black, and I was WAY drunker than I had been the last time.  The walk home is mostly blurry, but at one point I was walking out of the bathroom, when the strap on my flip flop broke, pitching me forward and once again, to scrape and bruise the shit out of my knees, elbows, and hands, just like ole' Shamber of the past!   I tried several times to just put the shoe on my foot, and clamp the strap in between my toes, but this just kept sending me, over and over, onto my knees and hands.  All during this, BF was calling me, but I was too drunk to communicate to him where I was, so I just kept hanging up on him.  ("where are you?  what do you see around you?"  "THE SKY.  GRASS.  A FEW STARS?  I DON'T KNOW FFAFHSUIHSJKNG *hang up*)

Finally I guess I decided to give up and laid down in a ditch.  Luckily the ditch was close to where he was, and he came across me kind of rolling around in the mud, grumbling to myself.  He got the car and picked me up and put me in it, then brought me back to the tent.  I don't remember ANY of the rest of the night, except at one point I burst into tears and kept telling him over and over that i KNEW he didn't really love me, or even like me, or care about me in any way, which made him really mad, as it should have because he'd been really worried about me disappearing and then being lost on site, and had been all over looking for me :( .  But I cried for a while and then woke up a few hours later, about 6 in the morning, and said "DID YOU GET THE VODKA?!" to which he laughed and replied that he had, and that I still had my phone AND cigarettes (all I'd brought with me.)  I woke up later in the day and he filled in the parts about finding me in a ditch, etc.  I apologized profusely, told him about the old days when this sort of thing happened a lot, and we laughed over my bruised knees and my one broken drunkfoot flip flop, which was covered in blood.

I know this all sounds terrible, but I haven't been this way for a really long time.  I WOULDN'T have been this way if I hadn't had my feelings so hurt by this girl AGAIN.  I'm just not going to socialize with her any more, and if she's around anywhere that I go I'll stay as far from her and out of her way as possible, I guess.  Also this all happened on the faire site so it's not like I was in a city or town, I wasn't that far away from my place the whole time.  And luckily my boyfriend was there to save me.

Now he's taken to calling me Moon Moon (after the retarded werewolf meme...look it up because I personally find it hilarious).  And hopefully it'll be at least another few months before Shamber comes out again.  Tonight's the weekly Spin party (spin the wheel!  odd numbers=girls drink!  even=guys drink! 100= SOCIAL!) but I'll only be having beer at that, and that's like 5 tents down from mine so I'm not worried.

P.S. this is kind of a vanity thing I guess, but if you're reading/read this blog, please let me know!  at this point I feel kind of like my dad is the only one who looks at it and that's kind of weird.  It'd be nice to know if some people are actually looking at it, or if I'm just writing to myself (and my dad.  hi dad!)  It'll be helpful, so I can kind of know what I should be writing about or not.  Anyway, yeah, thanks for reading! :)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


me and my boyfriendddd are at starbucks writing mean notes to each other about the other people.  i can't help it, they're the ones in here talking about the bible and god and all that like it's real.  i'm mostly worried he's going to lose it and start yelling at them or say something too loud and they'll get mad at us and we'll have to leave.  he can be unpredictable.  but we're outnumbered here, who knows what the texans will do when their precious jesus is slandered.  learn real history, dudes, there have been so many jesus myths.  SIGH.

the first weekend at this faire was okay.  we did really well on saturday and then on sunday not so great.  again, texas, jesus, church, sunday, etc.  i am helping to sell these things called Grichels.  they're grumpy looking faces made out of wrinkled leather.  some of them have realistic human eyes and some have animal eyes.  they're pretty cool and they have quite a following.  they're easy to sell because they sell themselves.  it's fun working there because one of the guys i work with at the coffee shop got me the job and he really believes in me and how awesome i am...i'm glad because sometimes i'm not sure that i'm all that great at selling.  it's fun though.  the days go by fast.  on sunday a woman came in and her card declined and it was dramatic because her ex-husband had closed down her account without telling her!  and he was her ex of one week and he was her ex because she found photos of him doing it with another man on his phone.  !!!!!!  they were married 28 years and had kids and grandkids!!!!  i felt sorry for her and also mad at her husband because he obviously was too afraid or conditioned (BY TEXAS AND THEIR MISGUIDED JESUSY WAYS) that being gay is wrong.  and that's what is actually wrong.  what's a bigger sin, being gay or living a lie for your entire life and wasting it and wasting someone else's life for 28 years and making a lot of other people's lives a lie as well?  this is what's wrong with people in america.  people don't think they're allowed to be who they are because of what they think the bible means, a book written and rewritten and re-re-written hundreds of years ago by people who lived hundreds of years ago.

another thing that's wrong with america is that i can lay in bed in excrutiating pain in the middle of the night, worrying that it might get so bad that i'll have to go to the ER and i can't afford to be in pain or hurt, willing myself to get better because i can't go to the hospital or to the doctor.  that years ago when i sliced open my leg i considered having my friend stitch it up because i couldn't afford to go to the hospital.  that everybody doesn't feel this way, that i should be allowed to get sick and then be able to go to the hospital without worrying about going broke or my parents going broke, is baffling to me.  but i'm not going to go into a huge diatribe about THAT...  as long as there's ibuprofen and thermacare i should be fine but it's not fun waking up in the middle of the night not being able to stretch out because my side and shoulder were both so cramped up, i could literally only lay curled up on my side like a bug.  how does that even happen!?

the funniest thing at the end of the night on faire days is when i and the boy get home we're both so sore and tired, quite the pair.  i don't see how anybody can go out and get drunk after working so hard on their feet for so long.  i just need better shoes or more pairs so i can switch in and out of them during the day, apparently this is the way to make your feet not hurt so much.

well, this has gotten way longer than i thought it would be.  i guess i'll stop.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

spring's awakening

It's cold in Texas!  the sky is menacingly grey but I don't think it's supposed to rain anymore.  it rained a lot last night, but we have a big tarp over our new tent so it didn't get our stuff wet.  i even have a little hidden covered spot to pee when it's raining too hard and dark enough that no one will see me.  other than that we are very close to the portas but i don't want to step in the mud or let ONE drop of water touch me.

texas is the weirdest state.  at least, the weirdest i've been to.  probably the only state worse than texas is florida, but i haven't been to florida in so long and will probably never, ever go again.

everyone is very concerned with being christian and what jesus thinks and what you think jesus thinks about you and what you think jesus and god want you to do with your life.  it's also highly concentrated here, because there's a christian college in this town.  even the hipster coffee shop is run by hipster jesus freaks.  i just came to starbucks today because even though they're evil, corporate, etc. i love their passion tea lemonade.  also the ONLY other place in town is the hipster coffee shop and it's a garage and has no climate control.

This is the funnest show, though I don't want to have any fun because it's too cold.  I just want to stay here on the internet or go home and wrap up in bed and read.  I'm in the middle of at least 5 books now.  I keep picking random ones up and then putting them down to read another one that fits my mood better.  I've never been good at reading one book at a time, unless it's a really, really good book and then I finish it in a day.  The last book I read was called Arcadia, which I named my car after.  It's about a boy who was born in a commune in the 60s or 70s and then has to go live in the real world.  It was really good, the writing was really good.  The ending was depressing, basically any part where he wasn't living in Arcadia anymore and had a jerk wife and a jerk daughter.  Nobody should ever have kids.

Both the boy and I got jobs at this show last minute.  His was much more last minute, like literally the day we got here.  Mine was finalized the last day of Arizona.  I don't like neither of us knowing if we have a job or not.  At least I'm all set for the rest of the year.

We stayed at the King Spa for a night before we made it to the faire.  I don't remember if I've written about it before.  It's a huge korean spa with many different sauna rooms, and hot tubs and cold tubs and steam saunas.  You have to walk around naked in the hot tub rooms, and wearing these weird pajamas in the saunas.  They have delicious korean food, and a movie room where you can curl up in a giant recliner and go to sleep.  It's really cheap for a 24 hour stay, only $30!  It's great for after or before a long journey.  We're definitely stopping through on our way to Colorado.

Maybe I'll write again before Colorado...but who knows?  Nothing much is really happening and I plan on being more social this show.  But then, I always say that, and always end up hermit-ing away after all.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Arcadia, or, dream life

Well, it's amazing how much can change in such a short time.  Last time I wrote in here I was distraught from the extremely annoying 'my car blew up in the middle of nowhere new mexico' situation.  I drove the remaining miles to Arizona in a beautiful, brand new, cherry red 2012 volkswagon jetta.  Of course, this was just a rental car, not my forever car.  It was fun to drive though.  It was fun to drive a car that I knew wasn't going to explode at any moment and also that I didn't have to mash my foot down really hard to get it to accelerate above 60mph.

I finally made it to Arizona and to my boy friend's parent's house, where we proceeded to do exactly what we did in North Carolina (and colorado for that matter), settle into a pile and watch movies and TV shows all day while drinking copious amounts of vodka and smoking many cigarettes (and a good deal of medicinal hash, as well. )

Finally, faire started and we semi-moved on site, although I still spent most time at his parent's house since his mom drove us, I had no car, and didn't want to be stuck on site with no electricity or company (he works all week.)

All the time I've been stuck there, I was looking for a new car.  after several unsuccessful trips (and a few crying jags where I felt like only bad things were happening to me and nothing good, which is ridiculous because I love my job at this faire - the cappuccino inn again - and have been making good money, have a boyfriend who is also my best friend and who i want to spend all my time with...) I FINALLY found it...my dream car.  Literally!  One morning when I was in the middle state between sleep and waking, a voice whispered in my ear 'the car will be dark blue....'  I semi-ignored it but always kept he thought in the back of my mind.  When all hope seemed lost, it suddenly appeared.  A 2000 subaru outback, dark blue and grey, for the right price.  And now she is mine!  I named her Arcadia, because I've always liked the word and it means a kind of Utopia.  And there's a book about a commune called Arcadia and one of the characters is named Astrid, and the car before my last one was named Astrid.)  I love it because I've wanted this kind of car for years and years, and whenever I step outside now and see it parked anywhere, my first thought is:  GIVE ME YOUR CAR!  and then my second thought is,IT IS MY CAR!!!  so that's exciting.

I also foud a job for Colorado, a job that I think I will like, because it involves selling real fossils and I love fossils.  If it works out and I do like it and fit in there, I'll have all jobs that I really like and make good money at, at every faire that I do.  Last year Arizona and Colorado were both bad shows where I hated my job.  Now this year I LOVE my job in AZ, and hopefully will in Colorado, too.  Any job that requires me to do research about fossils and stuff is good for me, honestly.

So things are going really, really well in my life right now.  I'm kind of nervous about it, because I keep waiting for things to be really bad.  But then I remember that things WERE very bad for a while, so this is things getting back to good, which I absolutely deserve.  It is nice to write in here about good things happening instead of complaining about shitty stuff.  It feels weird to be kind of puking rainbows everywhere though, so I will say that the general public is still annoying and dumb.  So...there's that!

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Final Problem, pt. 2

Oh Moriarty, you devious cad!  

Tonight's my second night in the tiny town named after the "Napoleon of Crime."  When people say the name out here, I feel like they have NO idea who Moriarty is. 

The terrible news is, my car is dead forever.  I'm ridiculously sentimental towards objects, so it was sad for me to pull away (in a cherry red 2012 volkswagen jetta - sadly just a rental...) and see it one last time.  That car is so familiar to me, it's like saying goodbye to an old familiar face.  But sometimes the things we love die before their time, and we must say goodbye.  

Now I have the unenviable task of finding a new car in two months, that'll get me across the country and doesn't cost a ton.  What ended up being wrong was a piston blew in my engine, and it would cost more to fix than the car is worth, and I'd be stuck here for a WEEK.  No, thank you!  

So tomorrow, finally, I will be in Arizona.  Then I'll be stuck without a vehicle for a few weeks, probably...experiencing real rennie life, I guess.  It's all going to be very annoying, but for now I can't do anything but hang out in bed watching TV and hanging out on the internet...for the last time in a while, probably.  And for tomorrow, I get to drive a sweet new car through some of the most beautiful landscapes in the country... And for only a breezy 7 hours!  

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Final Problem, or, a character building exercise I never wanted

I've always had very vivid dreams, the kind where I'm convinced it's truly happening until I actually wake up and it's very obvious that it was a dream.  Normally something terrible is happening and I'm extremely relieved to wake up.  I'm still waiting to wake up from today, but I don't think it's going to happen.

I've been driving since friday, from north carolina to get to arizona.  Today was supposed to be my last day of driving.  About 5 hours in, in the middle of bumfuck nowhere new mexico, my car started shaking and making a crazy noise, so I pulled over on the ramp and stopped it.  I waited a while, trying it out, until it became clear that it was not going to start.  Now, the only thing on this exit was a house a little ways to the side, and a group of buildings mared Motel and Gas across the bridge on the other side of the interstate, so I started walking to the 'Motel'.  As I got closer, I noticed that there was a closed cafe and 'trucker bar' on the premises as well.  I walked closer to the tiny, low buildings, and a bunch of dogs behind a chain link fence started barking their heads off.  I was kind of wandering aimlessly because there was no sign of life except a few pickups scattered around, when all of a sudden a rottweiler, that was NOT behind a chain link fence, came running after me.   Now, I am NOT afraid of dogs, no matter what breed, so I didn't freak out and start running, instead just backed up and said soothingly, 'okay, okay, I'll go away...'  Once I started backing away it stopped chasing me, and luckily I didn't get chewed up by a loose dog.

So, I walked back across the bridge to my car, trying very hard not to burst into tears, because that wouldn't help anything.  After a little while of sitting in my car, a car pulls up and they ask if I'm alright.  I told them what happened and the guy said, 'let me get my uncle, he's a mechanic!' and they pulled away and lo and behold, they were the people who lived in the house, the ONLY house on the exit!

To make a long story short, the uncle (who had one leg and had clearly been drinking) determined that I had a problem with my fuel line or timing in my engine, and he could do nothing to fix it.  So I called my motor club, which is like AAA but not, and had it towed to the mechanic they showed me, which of course is closed because today is Sunday, so I had to spend the extra money my dad gave me for my trip on another night in a motel.  I've been so exhausted and worried and sad that I'm alternating between bursting into tears, and feeling like I'm gonna throw up.  I haven't eaten anything and really should, but I don't know if I could even choke it down.  And, lucky me, the gas station next to the motel doesn't sell beer!

I normally have good luck with things like this, so I'm just really bummed that it's happening and I'm stuck in Moriarty, New Mexico, when I should be halfway to Arizona and the boy.  That's another thing that bums me out, after a month of being apart we would finally be reunited tonight, and now who knows when I'll get there?  If things like this happening are supposed to build character, I'd much rather be someone shallow who people roll their eyes at because they've never known hardship.  This is just the worst thing that could happen.  :(

Saturday, January 12, 2013

farewell, charlotte

well, i haven't written in this for a while, obviously!

there would be all of the north carolina faire, my home show, to go through, but not much REALLY happened there.  i kind of redefined my relationship with a boy, we're kind of a thing, it's not a big deal.  I mean, it kind of is, but that's not for here.

I manage the clothing store Ophelia's in NC, and this year was markedly underwhelming.  Part of me feels like I could have focused more on the store, instead of my personal life, but, other than crowds, it was an underwhelming sales year at that show in general.  It was a year, it was gotten through, I had a dude living in the booth with me who also happened to be present at my family thanksgiving and christmas eves, a first time for me.  No big deal.

The weirdest thing I noticed since being on the road was how...not home I felt when I got home.  Sure, it's great to be with my parents and I love them more than anything.  I had the boy with me until christmas day and we were kind of content to be in each other's company, although we did go out to hang with my old charlotte friends a few times.  But after I left, I thought I'd be going out all the time.  Instead, I didn't go out at all, except for new year's, but that was just at my old best friend's house and didn't count as "out."  I saw all my old friends from when I lived here, and I think I just ultimately feel like I don't really belong here anymore.  I used to have my niche with a certain group of people who I would just go out with and party but it isn't like that at all anymore.  I'd rather stay in, which isn't anything different, but in the old days I was at least very gung-ho about being out when I was out.  Now every time I've gone out I couldn't help but wish I was just back at home.  I just don't feel like I have any place in Charlotte life anymore.  I don't feel better or worse than it, just like I found where I truly belong, on the road, and I've grown out of all of that.  I still love my old friends, but I'm in a completely different place.  Nobody was here who was dying to have me come hang out, because I had been gone almost a whole year and everybody moved on.  Normally I'd be livid that everyone was hanging out without me, but I don't really care anymore.  I didn't expect an Amber-shaped hole to form, I just didn't expect the Charlotte-shaped hole to fill in inside me quite so quickly.

It's a good place to come home to, but my real home and my real friend-family is now on the road.  I didn't expect it all to happen within a year of my getting on the road, but I feel hopeful and excited for the year to come, and more than ready to leave this banker's city in the dust.  I still might not exactly fit in with the rennie community, but I don't exactly fit in with my old life, either.  I at least found a few people who my sense of humor vibed with...and let's just face it...traveling is more fun!

The bottom line is, charlotte people may or may not have changed while I was gone, but I definitely did.  And I'm less sad to be leaving it behind this year than I was the last.